Other Information
Parent-School Communication
• Parents are encouraged to use the student handbook as a means of communication with the teachers.
• Parents are advised to update the school promptly when there is a change in their contact details or child’s personal particulars either through the Form Teacher or through the school generic email address.
In the event of an emergency:
• In the event of an emergency, parent/guardian will be contacted immediately. For students who are unwell, parent/guardian or an authorised adult should come to the school at the earliest possible time to fetch the child home or to the doctor. He/she must sign the child out at the General Office before taking the child out of the school.
• In the event of an accident that requires immediate attention, the school will contact the parent/guardian. Depending on the urgency for medical attention, the school might send the pupil to the Accident & Emergency Department of Changi General Hospital, to a nearby clinic, or call for an ambulance, while waiting for the parent’s or guardian’s arrival.
Leaving school early
Parent/Guardian must obtain permission from the Form Teacher if they wish to take their child/ward home due to sickness or other urgent matters. Please sign in the ‘Student Early Dismissal’ book at the General Office.
Leave of Absence
The school strongly discourages Leave of Absence during the school term. For special cases, the following requirements are needed:
• Application in writing to the Principal should be made by parents as early as possible, and no later than two weeks before the departure date.
• Approval for such leave can only be granted by the Principal or Vice-principal.
• Leave granted would presuppose that the parents would take the necessary steps to ensure that the child keep up with the lessons missed and to submit any assignments done during the child’s period of leave.
• Compassionate leave may be granted on short notice. Parents may call the child’s Form Teacher to make such a request and submit the necessary document to the Form Teacher after the child returns to school.
Students must be immunised against diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis before joining the school.